
Monday, November 19, 2012

variations on a theme

Reusing old cards seems to be a recurring theme for me.  Once again, I mutilated good stationary and framed a favorite card from last year.  It was just a little shy of fitting in the frame, so I added button ribbon on each side.  Fits like a charm!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

classy case

I made this dainty iPod case out of a clear plastic case and a card.
While it pained me to mutilate quality stationary, I'm super-happy with the result!

Monday, November 12, 2012

happy birthday, everett!

Photos from my darling little nephew's birthday party.  Notice when Seth got the suitcase, Everett grabbed his new car case and followed behind him.  How precious?!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

becca & evan sneak peek

Congrats to Becca & Evan on their recent engagement!  Many thanks for letting me follow you around shoving a lens in your face while asking you to act "natural".  :)