This mural, painted by local artist Cynvia Arthur Rankin, features an authentic look at the turn-of-the-century downtown Salisbury, NC. There are over 100 local citizens dressed in period costumes represented. In case you're counting heads, this is only a small representation of the whole mural.
These sea gulls were crackers for crackers. If you look closely, you can make out a Cheez-It cracker above the left shoulder (or the body part equivalent) of the gull on the right. At one point, it felt like we were going to star in a remake of a Hitchcock horror film.
This is the other Roxy, Gromit's latest girlfriend. They enjoyed a good romp in the neighbor's backyard yesterday evening. The brown blur in the bottom left corner is Gromit. Roxy's face says it all. A rare moment when they were both standing still.
It's time to celebrate National Women's History Month. Click here to learn about some pretty amazing women who've paved the way for the freedoms we enjoy today. Oh, and don't forget to wear something green--it's St. Patrick's Day!
I will never look at Kool-Aid the same way again. It's interesting how lighting makes such a huge difference in color registration. In this picture, I just used the overhead kitchen lights, which created a yellowish tint. In the picture above, I had Seth hold an LED flashlight behind the pitcher, which made the colors a little more true to life. I was making grape Kool-Aid (red + blue = purple).
I was pouring Kool-Aid mix into water when I noticed beautiful swirls of color. Seth walked into the kitchen to find me hovering over the pitcher with my camera. He just shook his head and sighed.
We enjoyed a self-guided hike along the boardwalk trail in Congaree National Park. We also enjoyed free tent camping. Although the ice that formed on the inside of our tent left us damp and chilly, it was nothing a little hot cocoa and toe warmers couldn't fix.
A super-cool geocache in the Charleston Public Library. I must admit...we had to get a little help from the reference librarian. Needless to say, we probably posed one of the more unique reference questions of the day.
I think this is a Bradford Pear tree (it stinks like one, anyway). I have enjoyed all of the beauty cropping up around the yard, minus the weeds of course. Speaking of, I managed to break the lawn mower yesterday while wading through the weeds. Anyone know where I can get a push mower for cheap?
Last night I helped cheer the Charlotte Roller Girls to victory against the Savannah Derby Devils. It was my first roller derby experience and it was awesome!
Using tin cans to store small craft supplies is a great way to stay organized. I use them for beads, buttons, bobbins, bottle caps, and other craft supplies that do not, unfortunately, begin with the letter "b".