Check out my new cart I found for just $10! It had a little rust on top, so I sanded it down and painted it orange. I also found an adorable apron, which I decided to use as a curtain. I stuck a favorite recipe in the pocket. :)
On the subject of the kitchen, we have decided to finally make some changes. We replaced all the hardware on the cabinets and we ordered new countertops. I can't tell you how happy I will be to see the nasty green and creme tile go away. Now I just need to pull down the Willy Wonka wallpaper and figure out what colors we want to paint the cabinets and walls.
We're a little nervous about home renovations as no project (great or small) has gone smoothly with this house. The countertop specialist told us that if the cabinets were off by more than 1/8" they would not install the countertops. I think we can all agree that NOTHING is level in an older home. This should be an adventure, to say the least.