
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in under 2

I used Pummelvision to create a 2-minute video clip of my pictures from the year. I took approximately half of the photos used in the video in 2011, but I pulled some from previous years too. I slowed it down as much as the video program would allow, but I know it's a little nauseating. Have a safe and happy new year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

brass blooms

Being lazy today... lunch and a matinee with the hubby makes for a fabulous Friday! I did manage to do something productive--I made these earrings to match my brass watch necklace I got when I broke my wrist.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

family reunion

Our first big family vacation in more than 10 years! Had a wonderful couple of days in TN with my parents, aunt, uncle, and cousins.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

milling about

Minus the crane, construction workers, and garbage, this historic mill in Pigeon Forge makes for a nice photo op.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

two beans in a stalk

If you ever have an occasion to travel Hwy 411 in TN, be sure to include a short stop at the Bush Brothers Visitor Center. It has a neat general store, cafe, and museum (and VERY nice restrooms!).

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas!

Thankful for so many blessings this Christmas, including my favorite little man!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

bark the herald

Having a little fun with Gromit in the manger. :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

handmade pledge

First of all, a very happy birthday to Ann, our favorite cotton pickin' cousin.
In keeping with my family's handmade Christmas pledge, I made a small fleet of tiny terrariums this year (shhhhh...don't tell anyone!). I'm so excited about how they turned out that I could not wait to share the photos!
Materials used:
  • Glass jar with lid (I used a lightbulb shaped container from Hobby Lobby)
  • Potting soil (I used a blend of top soil and fertilizer)
  • Small stones, pebbles, or gravel
  • Sheet moss (sometimes called preserved sheet moss)
  • Decorations (I used miniature deer from Hobby Lobby and made the mushrooms from modeling clay that can be baked)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

you have my full attention

Gromit got to open his stocking early so he can enjoy his toys over Christmas. He got two squeaky balls, a Nyla bone, some clean-up baggies, and a cheap knock-off Kong (which he promptly destroyed in about 30 minutes).

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

from everlasting to everlasting

A gift I made for a dear friend (don't worry...I've already given it to her). I took the photo above on a hike through an aspen forest in Steamboat Springs, CO.
I took the photos above (left to right) at Wing Haven Gardens, Charlotte, NC; a covered bridge in the Uwharrie National Forest, NC; and Hunt-Fish Falls in the Grandfather Mountain Ranger District, NC. I stashed the extra photos in the back of the frame so that my friend can switch out her picture with the changing of the seasons.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

hey mister postman

Each year I use the Christmas cards we receive as garland. My great aunt started us off this year with our first card, received over Thanksgiving. I waited a very long time for the next card. It's been a very slow trickle this year...

Monday, December 19, 2011


I knew I could make something fun out of these guys! All I needed were the awesome patterns designed by Surly Bird Studio and my awesome Dremel tool to attach the hooks for the ribbons. I cannot say enough about how much I love that thing! (Thanks for the early Christmas gift, Santa!)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

congrats to becca!

A group shot from the Christmas/graduation party for my dear friend, Becca (2nd row, 4th person). She graduated with her master's in counseling from UNCC yesterday. Congratulations!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

away in a manger

Live nativity scene at the Billy Graham Library. That poor shepherd was working very hard to keep the goat from eating the manger (which may explain why he looks so enthusiastic about the birth of the newborn King).

Friday, December 16, 2011

christmas confetti

Playing around with my 50 mm and the Christmas lights. This effect is known as bokeh.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

bungled bakery

I am absolutely useless in the kitchen! This morning I've attempted to make Christmas goodies, all of which have turned out far less than perfect: mint brownies (too hard and chewy), no-bake cookies (too runny), and these pretzel/Hershey kiss/m&m thingies (cracked kisses). Oh well, I've enjoyed sampling the really bungled treats. :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

warm & cozy

Not only is my friend Nadia the mastermind behind Surly Bird Studio and the most gifted tiny-present-wrapper in the world, she is also a knitting aficionado. Obviously Gromit approves of my beautiful new double-sided scarf.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

on the 12th day of christmas...

In celebration of the 12 days of Christmas, my dear friend Nadia has gifted me a dozen individually wrapped snack sized boxes of junior mints. They're so beautiful that I almost have a moral dilemma in ripping into them. Well, almost...

Monday, December 12, 2011


We traded the interstate for the road less traveled on the way home last night, which led us through the tiny little town of Mocksville. I felt like I was in that scene of The Notebook where Noah and Allie are on their first date and they dance in the street. It was totally worth the 20 miles we suffered behind that ridiculously slow Corolla just to see this beautiful sight!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

garrette giggles

We had a wonderful afternoon visiting with all of our Forsyth County friends!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

santa's little helpers

We didn't have many kids show up for Christmas at the Mill, but we had fun all the same. Merry Christmas from Santa, Elf 1, Elf 2, and the Christmas Mouse!

Friday, December 9, 2011

christmas chinet

One of the craft samples we prepared for the kids for Christmas at the Old Mill tomorrow.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

bad to the bone

Gromit got up on our bed while we were at work today (evidenced by the tiny Gromit hairs on our pillows). I fussed at him, but how can I resist a face like this?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

tag, you're it

I was going make all of my gift tags this year, but I ran out of steam. Only a select few get handmade tags like the ones in the photo; the rest get these adorable little print-offs (the next best thing to handmade!).

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


My in-laws' dog, Brady, has been very sick this past week. I am happy to report that he seems to be on the mend now.

Monday, December 5, 2011

grinch loves thai

An artifact from the local "Occupy" movement.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

white man group

A street artist in Asheville. He stood like a statue until you put money in his tip jar, which would make him come to life and play a song.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

ginger and spice

[click on image above to make bigger]
A few of my favorite gingerbread houses on display at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC. The two that are starred (*) were from China Grove!

Friday, December 2, 2011

creative ideas?

My mother-in-law made me the beautiful wreath hanging above our heater. Now if I could just figure out what to put on our mantle. A mirror? Panoramic framed photo? Painting? Anyone have any ideas? (It's about 30" wide.)

Thursday, December 1, 2011


The weather has turned off cold and it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. At least our decorations don't seem quite as premature now. Happy 1st day of December!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

clean shaven

Inspired by Seth and his co-worker's facial follicle fanaticism, I created a display in our library to celebrate National Beard Month earlier this month. I snapped a quick picture before I cleared the table to make room for December's display.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

christmas at the old mill

I designed a flyer for the first annual "Christmas at the Old Mill" at the Old Mill of Guilford (where I sell some of my crafts).

Monday, November 28, 2011


This little guy was one of my mother-in-law's favorites. One bird from the Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

red eye

We enjoyed a picnic on the waterfront (complete with Bill's Hotdogs) and a fun afternoon at the Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park. This beautiful variety of pigeon was one of my favorites.

Friday, November 25, 2011

alice the camel

Lunch and a walk on the boardwalk with a very dear friend and her newest family member. We managed to get one or two photos before my camera battery died.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

cotton pickin' cousins

I'm thankful for so many blessings this year, including a WONDERFUL family!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

birthday wishes

A very happy birthday to my favorite sister-in-law!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

musical muppets

The technology of the needle on vinyl never ceases to amaze and captivate me. Rocking out to John Denver and the Muppets' Christmas album on the record player (the only way I can stand to listen to Christmas music this early). :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

i'll have my skate medium rare

I don't know if Gromit's ready to start skating yet.

Now grandpa, just sit in the office chair and look into the camera. We want a nice serious pose to sell this dapper suit you're wearing.

Ah, the adventures of Mighty Dollar, where everything is made in China (or "Chana", as one product proclaimed). It's sad when you actually misspell your own country's name.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

branching out

So I decided to move my new centerpiece to the mantle, and I'm sooo pleased with how it looks. I also broke my rule put the rest of our Christmas decorations BEFORE THANKSGIVING. And yes, it was 75 degrees here today. Nothing like decorating for Christmas in short sleeves with the windows open. :)

We're going to use these adorable little pouches to leave little notes and candies for each other in the 12 days leading up to Christmas.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

first signs

The first signs of Christmas are showing up in our house. This project was inspired by a Thanksgiving centerpiece featured in the November 2011 edition of Better Homes & Gardens Magazine. I chopped off a nice curvy branch of our crepe myrtle, spray painted it white, and hung ornaments on it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

tree pose

It won't be long until he'll be walking on his own!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

multiple choice

This face means:
A. I'm really excited to be playing in the leaves
B. If mommy's over there, who's holding me?
C. How you doin'?
D. I'm filling my diaper

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


You have no idea the silly faces being made behind the lens to give this tiny little grin...