
Monday, April 16, 2012

one last romp in golden gate

On our final day of vacation, we decided to head back into San Francisco one last time.  We had a yummy lunch at the Beach Chalet, a restaurant with stunning views of Ocean Beach (though not nearly as impressive as Nepenthe in Big Sur). 

While we were in the parking lot, a local asked us if we had ever been up to Seal Rocks.  He told us about a trail just up the street that afforded great views of Seal Rocks, the Sutro baths (which now lay in ruins near Seal Rocks), and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Below is a view of Ocean Beach from Sutro Heights Park.  The castle-like structure is the ruins of his home and gardens on the bluff overlooking the ocean.

While we were so near to Golden Gate Park, I wanted a re-do of some pictures I took a few days earlier when it was overcast.  We revisited Queen Wilhelmina's Gardens and Dutch Windmill. 

We also visited the Murray Windmill, which seemed to be undergoing some transition in terms of landscaping (read: it was bland and boring compared to the Dutch windmill).

I will miss this place!